Doin' Time in Nova Scotia
Hey gang, I have been in Nova Scotia most of this week the Narrative Matters conference at Acadia University in Wolfville. I will present Queer 101 tomorrow.

GREAT conference where we discuss the power of narratives in therapy, education, social change, politics, etc.

Through a simple yet effective theater presentation called Love Stories, scholars Maura McIntyre and Andrea Cole, shared the narratives of caregivers to Alzheimer's patients.
In a few minutes I go to a session that looks at narrative in film. Presentation titles include: Traumatic distortions of body and time: Christopher Nolan's Memento, Personal and historical trauma in The Shining, and Cameras, scalpels and speculums: Popular film and the tragicomedy of pelvic exams.
I so appreciate when scholars take the time and creative energy to present their findings in non-traditional means. How better to reach everyday folks who will be benefit from hearing the work.
Although I didn't ask Marvin to pray a special prayer of protection for my trip (see post below), I have had lovely weather and even got to take a nice hike today over looking the Bay of Fundy (even passed a Camp Fundy--lol) Photos below. They have a the highest tides in the world here. Oh, and Hertz was all out of compact cars, so they say, "We are sorry but do you mind if we give you a free upgrade for a Ford Mustang." Sweet Ride! Click for larger view.

Nice! Nice ride, too. I got upgraded to an SUV :( - no sweet little car for my trip. But then again, I don't have to spend time at Fundy Bay either. Although, if I'm spending time in Tennessee and Kentucky, I'm probably in Fundy Country, aren't I?
Like the pics and can't wait to hear more about the talks and other cool stuff. Break a leg tomorrow.
You are so lucky - I love narrative approaches!
They are so telling about people and the social/cultural environments in which we live.
I was at a conference a few years ago about religion & sexuality. Brilliant conference. I really enjoyed the presentation by this man .
Here's a paper on the stories non-hetersexual Muslims
Another one on the persistence of faith in nonheterosexual Christians
Here's one especially relevant for you Peterson... ;P
If anyone wants pdfs of the first two articles, then email me (contemplative-activist AT hotmail DOT co DOT uk).
They make for fascinating reading.
Sorry, this is the one for you Peterson ;P
CA, oh, an article on aging homosexuals. Uh, thanks, yeah I have some friends who will profit from this information. :-)
Nice pictures, I love the twisted tree :)
Pelvic exams? *confused*
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